Japan is one of the largest pesticide-consuming countries in the world, with less strict criteria for residual pesticides in vegetables and fruits.
Generally speaking, residual pesticides “do not affect the human body even if consumed daily,” “do not immediately affect health,” and “can be consumed safely in amounts according to the criteria.” However, they are gradually accumulated in the human body over several decades, affecting health.
Malignant tumors (cancer) are the leading cause of death in Japan. Of them, gastric cancer is the most common, followed by colorectal cancer. Clearly, this is explained by dietary habits.
Residual pesticides may cause childhood food allergies and atopy, which were rarely observed in the past.
Unfortunately, vegetables available at Japanese supermarkets today are contaminated with pesticides.
However, we can make efforts to reduce pesticide residues in vegetables.
Thus, we developed a safe detergent to wash vegetables as a healthy lifestyle habit, hoping for improvement of people’s health.